The Polyglot Lovers
Lina Wolff
Original title: De polyglotta älskarna
Publisher: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2016
Genre: Novel
Pages: 294 pages
Ellinor is thirty-six. She wears soft black sweatpants and a Michelin Man jacket. She fights. Smart and unsentimental, she tries her hand at online dating, only to be stranded by a snowstorm with a literary critic. Cut to Max Lamas, an author who dreams of a polyglot lover, a woman who will understand him—in every tongue. His search takes him to Italy, where he befriends a marchesa whose old Roman family is on the brink of ruin. At the heart of this literary intrigue is a handwritten manuscript that leaves no one unaffected.
The Polyglot Lovers is a fiercely witty and nuanced contribution to feminism in the #metoo era. Pleasure is an elusive thing, love even more so.
Foreign rights
Croatian: Naklada Ljevak
Czech: Plus
Danish: Forlaget Gladiator
Dutch: Atlas Contact
English (World English): And Other Stories
Estonian: Varrak
Finnish: Otava
French: Gallimard
Georgian: Siesta
German: Hoffmann & Campe
Greek: Psichogios
Hungarian: Park
Italian: Codice
Macedonian: Artkonekt
Norwegian: Forlaget Oktober
Persian: Café 60 Media
Polish: Marginesy
Romanian: Cartii di Stinta
Russian: AST
Serbian: Heliks
Turkish: Tetes Kitap
Ukrainian: Vydavnytstvo
The August Prize 2016
Svenska Dagbladet’s Literature Prize 2016