The Polyglot Lovers

The Polyglot Lovers

Lina Wolff

Original title: De polyglotta älskarna
Publisher: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2016
Genre: Novel
Pages: 294 pages

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Ellinor is thirty-six. She wears soft black sweatpants and a Michelin Man jacket. She fights. Smart and unsentimental, she tries her hand at online dating, only to be stranded by a snowstorm with a literary critic. Cut to Max Lamas, an author who dreams of a polyglot lover, a woman who will understand him—in every tongue. His search takes him to Italy, where he befriends a marchesa whose old Roman family is on the brink of ruin. At the heart of this literary intrigue is a handwritten manuscript that leaves no one unaffected.

The Polyglot Lovers is a fiercely witty and nuanced contribution to feminism in the #metoo era. Pleasure is an elusive thing, love even more so.

Foreign rights

Croatian: Naklada Ljevak
Czech: Plus
Danish: Forlaget Gladiator
Dutch: Atlas Contact
English (World English): And Other Stories
Estonian: Varrak
Finnish: Otava
French: Gallimard
Georgian: Siesta
German: Hoffmann & Campe
Greek: Psichogios
Hungarian: Park
Italian: Codice
Macedonian: Artkonekt
Norwegian: Forlaget Oktober
Persian: Café 60 Media
Polish: Marginesy
Romanian: Cartii di Stinta
Russian: AST
Serbian: Heliks
Turkish: Tetes Kitap
Ukrainian: Vydavnytstvo


The August Prize 2016
Svenska Dagbladet’s Literature Prize 2016

Lina Wolff

Lina Wolff was born in Lund, Sweden, and lived for several years in Spain and Italy, where she worked as a translator. She arrived on the literary stage in 2009 with the publication of Many People Die Like You, a collection of short stories set in Spain and the south of Sweden. In 2012, her debut novel, Bret Easton Ellis and the Other Dogs, won the Vi Magazine Literature Prize. In 2016, her second novel, The Polyglot Lovers, won Sweden’s most esteemed literary award, the August Prize for Fiction, and has been translated into seventeen languages. Carnalitywas awarded the prestigious Aftonbladet Literature Prize in 2019.

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