Camel Clouds

Camel Clouds

Thorvald Steen

Original title: Kamelskyer
Publisher: Forlaget Oktober, 2004
Genre: Novel
Pages: 208 pages

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Erik Lindhom is an author who has published a few collections of poetry. When he receives a grant, his wife urges him to travel to Lisbon to write. Once there, he falls in love with Cecilia, an English journalist. At the same time, something is happening at home. His wife sounds strange when they talk on the phone. Parallel to these events, the story of Saladin is told, one of the great role models of the Islamic world. Saladin fought against Christianity, and was widely known as a cruel warlord. Suddenly he changes, and becomes an advocate for forgiveness and understanding.

With a superb sense of drama and contrast, the stories of the Norwegian author and the Islamic warrior are woven together in this novel.

Foreign rights

British English, American English: Seagull Books
Czech: Doplnek
German: Pforte
Kurdish: Avesta
Russian: MIC Publishing
Slovakian: MilaniuM Books

Call it the power of writing … Steen is a proficient narrator with a concise turn of speech and a surprising language


Camel Clouds is one of the most daring novels yours sincerly has read by a regarded author … Completeted with bravura and finesse


Thorvald Steen

Photo: Trine Hisdal

Thorvald Steen’s (b. 1954) literary career began in 1983, and he has since produced a diverse body of work spanning a variety of genres. Translated into 30 languages so far, Steen has received praise and prizes for the quality of his authorship in Norway and abroad.

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