My Men sold to Germany

January 17 2022


In a feverish prose Victoria Kielland captures the haunted inner life of a woman in the late 19th, early 20th century, that had to experience how her longings and disappointments, her bondages, and traumas lead to massive devastation. Even though told in the third person we dive deeply into Brynhild’s or later Belle’s psyche, which is defined by the most dark shadows. Victoria Kielland maps this shattered emotional landscape of her character with a deeply melodic, metaphoric, and fearless style. This creates an enormous intensity, that left me deeply impressed. But there is even more. The author secretly reveals the brutal forces we were and still are exposed to – by other human beings, by society, by ourselves. Mine menn has not only a remarkable voice and a fascinating background but is also extremely diverse and creates a very special literary universe,, says Sarah Iwanowski, the publisher in Tropen Verlag.

My Men is published in Norway by No Comprendo Press, now sold for translations into Chinese (simplified) Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Polish and Swedish.

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