The Mariana Trench by Ida Lødemel Tvedt among the favorite books of 2019, across genre

December 16 2019

At the end of the year Norwegian critics choose the best books of the year. So far, six critics have ranked The Mariana Trench as one of the top three books of 2019, across genre:

- The Mariana Trench ranks as the best book of the year. – Ulla Svalheim, BLA (monthly literary magazine)

- Lødemel Tvedt writes with mailability and freedom about literature and the ideas that shape out time, especially when she writes about the roots, myths and mother tongues of her family village. – Eivind Myklebust, Klassekampen (daily)

- Ida Lødemel Tvedt’s The Mariana Trench is no doubt one of the best books of the year. – Eivind Teistung, BLA

- Among the very sharpest prose published in Norwegian this year. – Lars Petter Sveen, Vårt land (daily)

- Ida Lødemel Tvedt debut is a remarkable event in the Norwegian context. -Ulla Svalheim, Vårt land

- Such style, such temperature! She exceeds all those male essayists who try to narrow the field of nonfiction, with her enthusiasm, intellect, abundant energy and solid portions of humour. -Kjetil Røed, Vårt Land

- I know very well which essay I liked the best and it was Ida Lødemel Tvedt’s The Mariana Trench — I love the way she trawls. – Thomas J.R. Marthinsen, BLA

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