Deep Fjord - filmrights and World English rights sold!
Deep Fjord the successful, original psychological thriller by Ruth Lillegraven is travelling the world.
Amazon Crossing is completely thrilled to be acquiring Ruth Lillegraven’s Alt er mitt for translation into English. The publisher, Elizabeth de Noma says: “I love how she’s taken her substantial literary abilities and used them in the service of this compelling and transfixing thriller series, weaving in the most globally pressing issues of the day in a thoroughly convincing – and unforgettable- way.”
Nordisk Film has secured film – rights and says: “We at Nordisk Film are so excited about working with Ruth Lillegraven’s novel Deep Fjord, it’s truly outstanding and we look forward to develop it to the screen. We were thrilled from the first page – it is a very strong and smart story. And it’s different – it stands out with it’s surprising characters, and it dares to be black in an unusual way. And we can’t wait to read more!".