Excerpt from The Art of Swimming by Inger Bråtveit to be published in Terras
Excerpt from The Art of Swimming (Dette er også vatn) by Inger Bråtveit will be published in the autumn editon of the Dutch literary magazine Terras, devoted to the theme of water. Terras #19 ‘Naar water’ (toward water) contains a wide variety of authors in translation, such as Inger Bråtveit, Jon Ståle Ritland, Nicola Pugliese, Vicente Valero and Dana Ranga, who explore water in all its manifestations: as a threat in the form of tidal waves and floods, but also as a place of beauty in the unfathomable oceanic depths, and the sea as a place of adventure. Most of the authors are introduced by a short or extensive essay. Liesbeth Hujier has translated the excerpt and shot the wonderful picture.