First sale for Chiquitita

May 11 2023

- I think it is the mix of the South American temperament that bubbles under the story in combination with the Norwegian melancholy that really appeals to me, and the language has a nice balance between poetic and readable, you can see that Pedro is a poet and a musician. And nothing can be wrong with a book that starts with a quote from my favorite artists (Adrianne Lenker).

- Very honored to publish this unique voice in Norwegian literature, says Martijn Couwenhowen publisher in Uitgeverij Oevers, securing the Dutch language rights for Chiquitita – now travelling the world!

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November 19 2024

Pedro Carmona-Alvarez to Germany and UK

Chiquitita is heading to Germany, where it will be published by the prestigious Luchterhand Literaturverlag, and the UK, where it will be one of the first books the brand-new Akoya Publishing will be launching with.

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