Glowing reviews for Septology VI - VII: A New Name
Jon Fosse takes his writing to places where no other Norwegian author can follow him, says Sindre Hovdenakk, VG.
6 out of 6 hearts
A beautiful final volume about art, yearning, and passion. Jon Fosse concludes his masterpiece Septology with outstanding novelistic art, says Gro Jørstad Nilsen in BT, and continues: "The whole Septology can be read on one level as a staging of Meister Eckhart’s mysticism. The way Fosse uses repetitions has an almost hypnotic effect on the reader, much like the prayer for Asle running through all three volumes. Silence is also an element Fosse uses in the composition, which makes this an outstanding novel. The unspoken things concerning Asle’s dead sister Alida emerge as an almost “luminous” silence… The playground from the first volume returns with a richer meaning here.
In Fosse’s rich and innovative Septology, this unforgettable moment becomes timeless literary art.
Just a taste of many wonderful reviews, to be shared soon.