A Shining by Jon Fosse

January 15 2023

Rave reviews for A Shining by Jon Fosse

With A Shining, Jon Fosse has written a short masterpiece about death. A Shining is, simply put, great literature.
Marius Wulfsberg, Dagbladet

Jon Fosse gives his aesthetic side free rein in a strange and beautiful story about a man whose car gets stuck in the snow. In the end, you don’t read Fosse to decipher his symbols, but to be reminded of how wondrous our reality really is—beautiful and painful at once—and to take a step back, out of respect for the mystery.
Live Lundh, Morgenbladet

If you’re looking for winter reading one evening while the snow melts, A Shining is an excellent choice. You can feel the cold, see the snow, fear the coming darkness. Then discover something completely new in a second reading—a new image, a new association, even a bit of humor.
Gerd Elin Stana Sandve, Dagsavisen

Jon Fosse has already set the bar high for this year in Norwegian fiction. […] There is a lot of concentrated power and depth in this bouillon cube of a story. A Shining is like a concise echo of the masterpiece Septology.
Sindre Hovdenakk, VG 5/6 stars

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