A triumph! Fosse's prose is nothing less than magic!

January 29 2022

Septology by Jon Fosse is published to rave reviews in Denmark, critics say:

A major achievement – Jon Fosse’s seven-volume work is told in one last gasp, a magical stream of consciousness that opens the gates between past and present, reality and possibility. “A masterwork of the highest caliber, the Septology is one long, enthralling stream of consciousness, a mesmerizing prayer, an urgent last gasp, a mystery play whose scenes illuminate the darkness, an advent calendar culminating in death on the very day death was abolished. Fosse’s prose is nothing less than magic.” – Politiken (6/6 hearts)

“Master storyteller Jon Fosse does things his own way, and one could ask for nothing more. Septology isn’t a work that simply reveals itself, the reader must seek it out. Those are the terms, and as is so often the way with great art, a closer relationship with the work is its own reward. The obstacles in the reader’s path only add to the novel’s beauty. – Berlingske (6/6 stars)

“A triumph. Jon Fosse completes his Septology at a fever pitch, ecstatically blurring the line between literature and religion… Volumes III, IV, and V of the Septology were the first books I read in January of 2021, and now volumes VI and VII will the last. Together, they shine out over all the other books of the year.” – Weekendavisen

“It seems Jon Fosse can only get better. His latest major work, Septology, is masterful. A long, meditative reflection on art, on time and memory, on friendship, love, and loneliness, on God, death, and the life not lived. It’s a Fossian rendition of In Search of Lost Time: Now in Norway, down to earth.” – K’s Bognoter

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Pedro Carmona-Alvarez to Germany and UK

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