Just out in Norwegian, already sold to Germany and Denmark

September 11 2017

Just out in Norwegian, already sold to Germany and Denmark

Unexpected Dawn. A story about Grief and Mushrooms is already sold to btb, Randomhouse in Germany and to Don Max in Denmark. This strong, narrative non – fiction is poetic, warm and important, a story about sudden loss, deep sorrow and existential change. The mysterious world of mushrooms offers a path back to life to the author Long Litt Woon. In this book she shares the insight in a literary, compelling way. Interest from abroad is increasing!

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November 19 2024

Pedro Carmona-Alvarez to Germany and UK

Chiquitita is heading to Germany, where it will be published by the prestigious Luchterhand Literaturverlag, and the UK, where it will be one of the first books the brand-new Akoya Publishing will be launching with.

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