My Men by Victoria Kielland sold to Sweden
My Men by Victoria Kielland is sold to the Swedish publishing house Natur och Kultur.
My Men is a powerful, harrowing read about an enigmatic historical figure: a Norwegian servant girl turned serial killer, after moving to America in search of a better life. In just over 200 pages, Kielland depicts the course of a woman’s life; her chaotic interiority and lack of a boundaried self that leads her from one man to the next, chasing affection, intimacy, and sexual bliss – an end to her lonely existence. The turn toward violence is barely noticeable, but once it’s happened, there’s no going back. Despite its subject matter this is also a beautiful novel, narrated with an intensity that has the reader merge with the writing: the lack of distance between self and other in Brynhilde’s life somehow also becomes the reader’s … A gem of a novel and a distinct new literary voice that I will be proud to introduce to Swedish readers, says Nina Eidem, the acquiring editor at NOK.