My Men sold to China

January 13 2022

We have been absolutely taken by this intense, dreamlike, beautifully written novel, and it would be a great honor for us to publish it in China.

We genuinely think this is a unique and powerful work with a strong, lyrical, unforgettable voice, achieving a perfect balance of literariness and accessibility. We are very impressed by how Victoria Kielland portrays Belle, in revealing what simmers underneath the prevailing image of her as a murderer, and are deeply touched by her struggles against haunting loneliness, her unrelenting desire for intimacy, and her resilient coping with loss, says Gloria Masdeu in Thinkingdom Media Group in Beijing and acquired the simplified Chinese language rights in a pre-empt.

My Men is sold to Denmark, France, UK, Sweden, Poland, The Netherlands, and offers are now in from US and Germany, this travel is most exciting and will last long!

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