Praise for "A Tale of Terrible Times" in Sweden
This April marks the Swedish launch of “Till Daniel”, Olaug Nilssen’s prize-winning novel. The reviews are overwhelming and many, such as:
The best literature of this season: Olaug Nilssen writes discerningly and beautifully about life with Daniel … A compelling novel and a compelling child – and a mother who dares to show weakness. Svenska Dagbladet
“A Tale of Terrible Times” is a book about the all-overshadowing love for a child … it wasn’t until I read the final lines that I noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks. The book is too short. I didn’t want it to end. Tidningen Fönstret
Such enormous volatility in each sentence; without resorting to emotional hyperbole, Nilssen makes crystal clear for the reader what it is like to be a mother at war with the system in her efforts to care for her autistic child. Categorically, a must-read, no run of the mill book tip can do Nilssen justice. Amelia