Praise for I Is Another: Septology III - V

October 30 2020
Norwegian press says:

Septology will stand as a masterpiece in Norwegian, Nordic, European and world literature (Dagavisen).

I Is Another is if possible even better than the first volume. Which is no easy feat (Vårt Land)

It sings beautifully. Jon Fosse weaves a web of threads that it’s a pleasure to get caught in. (Dagbladet)

Powerfull and gripping (Aftenposten) A terrific story of growing up (NRK)

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Pedro Carmona-Alvarez to Germany and UK

Chiquitita is heading to Germany, where it will be published by the prestigious Luchterhand Literaturverlag, and the UK, where it will be one of the first books the brand-new Akoya Publishing will be launching with.

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