Praise for "In Defence of Darkness"

February 7 2019

Sandberg’s book is both topical and beautiful, joining the ranks of other works of non-fiction that highlight the importance of nature, silence and now darkness. Sandberg writes so that one association links to the next, making it possible for her to touch on many different topics without losing sight of the big picture. Her language is also specific and visual: when she talks about rough weather and the silence after the storm, the reader can feel this on a visceral level. And if you are afraid of the dark, you will see yourself in her. (Janne Bjørgan, Bergensavisen BA)

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November 19 2024

Pedro Carmona-Alvarez to Germany and UK

Chiquitita is heading to Germany, where it will be published by the prestigious Luchterhand Literaturverlag, and the UK, where it will be one of the first books the brand-new Akoya Publishing will be launching with.

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