Rave review of Mariana Trench by Ida Lødemel Tvedt
Ida Lødemel Tvedt’s Mariana Trench, Een sleepnet in de Marianentrog gets five out of five stars and ranks at the very top of the Flemish magazine HUMOs “toppers” list, above new translations of Joan Didion, Douglas Stuart, Isabel Allende and Stephen King.
A week before it hits the bookstores it has already received its first and panegyrical review, comparing Ida Lødemel Tvedt to Annie Dillard and Rebecca Solnit and praising the writer for her “fearlessness (…) and wisdom and knowledge of someone who seems to have poked around Borges’s infinite library for centuries.”: “Right from the beginning Ida Lødemel Tvedt casts her literary fishing rod, making the reader gasp and refusing to let go for another 335 pages. She pulls you ashore in the Norway of her childhood, and floods your senses with mental souvenirs and limitless imaginations. […] After you may or may not have resisted the urge to copy the prologue and leave it on trains and busses a hundredfold, the following essays take you to New York. […]