Rave reviews in France

February 6 2023

“When we talk about Norwegian crime fiction, we immediately think of Jo Nesbo, the little blond who has been monopolizing the genre for years … A compatriot living in Marseille comes however to outdo him. Aslak Nore, not unknown at all in his own country, has just released a more than five hundred pages book, “The Cemetery of the Sea”, a family and historical novel, which is well worth the time, leaving the creator of the series, Occupied, for a while … Aslak Nore moves his pen around like a camera … The author saves the final cut which suggests it won’t stop there. So much the better.” Karen Lajon — Le Journal du Dimanche

“Fascinating romantic saga which revolves around the secrets of a large Norwegian family. The strength of its storytelling and its truly romantic energy make it a perfect example of what an authentic page-turner can be without being cheap.” Olivier Mony — Livres hebdo

“The Cemetery of the Sea” is a historical novel as well as an exciting thriller … Carried by an alert writing, a precise documentation, of which the author gives the keys at the end, a strong subject, as instructive as fascinating, it has everything to seduce readers wishing to escape the conventions of certain crime fiction.” Marion Poirson -Dechonne – Mare Nostrum

“History is power: whether it’s official accounts or family myths, it’s all about manipulation, especially when numerous secrets resurface … For lovers of Nordic Noir and adventure novels. Laura Picro – L’arbre aux lettres

“An XXL Scandinavian crime novel … an honest whodunnit that mixes the codes of the soap opera and the energy of a Netflix series, by a gifted writer in the genre.”
Jérôme Malbert – L’incorrect

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November 19 2024

Pedro Carmona-Alvarez to Germany and UK

Chiquitita is heading to Germany, where it will be published by the prestigious Luchterhand Literaturverlag, and the UK, where it will be one of the first books the brand-new Akoya Publishing will be launching with.

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