The Dobloug Prize 2022 awarded Victoria Kielland

June 2 2022

Quotes from the Jury’s statement:

Ever since her debut in 2013 with the prose collection In the Heather, Victoria Kielland has made a name for herself with her uniquely captivating, elemental and physical linguistic power. She has published three books to date and is already becoming the most original voice of her generation, her writing full of raw sensuality and a heart-pounding expressiveness right on the edge of discomfort.

Kielland has a very physical way of expressing herself, a style unique in contemporary Norwegian literature. It is a pleasure to award the Dobloug Prize to this distinctive talent, a younger author with a voice of her own and absolutely deserving of this prize even at this early stage of her career.

The Dobloug Prize was founded in 1938 on the basis of a testamentary gift from the Norwegian businessman Birger Dobloug to the Swedish Academy, which established a fund in his name. The Norwegian Dobloug Committee works on behalf of the Swedish Academy, which approves the committee’s proposals for prize recipients. The Dobloug Prize is each year awarded two Norwegian and two Swedish authors..

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