Rave review for The Dresser by Thorvald Steen

August 30 2023

In his new historic novel Thorvald Steen delves into Europe’s history and turns up material which hasn’t found it’s true place in the history books: the Fourth Crusade and how it was turned into an excuse to sack what was then possibly the greatest and most opulent of cities, Constantinople. It builds into an intense chamber play about conceit and thirst for power.

On publication day the first review is rave:

-Conveyed in an understated and precise literary voice, the author demonstrates yet again how history’s catastrophes can be reflected in the individual’s most base and brutal qualities. The Dresser is also an illustration of the relationship between master and servant. Knowledge is not always power; it can also be your downfall. Thorvald Steen has transformed a history lesson into a dramatic story. He has also expanded our awareness and understanding of the powerful passions and forces at work behind catastrophes and wars. As he has done through the tightly spun and precise revelations of The Dresser, says Turid Larsen in Dagsavisen

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