Metres per Second by Stine Pilgaard

May 14 2020

Stine Pilgaard is one of the most original, humourous and sharp voices in Scandinavian literature. It is a huge pleasure to welcome Stine and her new novel Metres per Second to Winje Agency, as one of the first publications by the new Danish publishing house, Gutkind.

A feast to read, already sold to Pelikanen Publishing House in Norway.

In this understated and hilarious new novel, Stine Pilgaard picks up the thread from her previous, critically acclaimed Min mor siger (My Mum Says) and Lejlighedssange (Songs for Special Occasions).

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Pedro Carmona-Alvarez to Germany and UK

Chiquitita is heading to Germany, where it will be published by the prestigious Luchterhand Literaturverlag, and the UK, where it will be one of the first books the brand-new Akoya Publishing will be launching with.

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