The Manila Hall
Ruth Lillegraven
Original title: Manilahallen
Publisher: Tiden Norsk Forlag, 2014
Genre: Narrative poems
Pages: 231 pages
Birgit, born in 1946, was the joy child and the apple of her parents’ eye, the girl who loved animals and forests, books and music. At 33, she is admitted to Modum Baths, with a bodyweight of only 38 kg. How did her life turn out this way?
Every person carries a story. And that story contains love, pain, joy, grief— the darkest of dark and the lightest of light; all you have to do is ask.
This particular story surfaced through those long conversations which reveal our intimate histories between the author and Birgit. The Manila Hall is a biography, written as a poem by Lillegraven. A relatively conventional – and therefore, quite unconventional – book, the likes of which you have never read.