The Other Name: Septology I - II
Jon Fosse The Nobel Prize
Original title: Det andre namnet: Septologien I-II
Publisher: Samlaget, 2019
Pages: 514 pages
The first book of Jon Fosse’s magnum opus.
Jon Fosse has completed a 1250 page prose work: Septology. He started writing prose again in the summer of 2015, after a short break, and since then he has been writing constantly. The work as a whole is called Septology and the seven parts were published in three volumes: The Other Name: Septology I – II, I is Another: Septology III – V and A New Name: Septology VI – VII.
The main character and first-person narrator of Septology, Asle, is a painter and widower who lives in the house in Dylgja, where he used to live with his wife Ales. He is now alone; almost the only people he still sees are his neighbour, Åsleik—an old-fashioned country fisherman—and his gallerist, Beyer, who lives in the city of Bjørgvin, a couple of hours’ drive to the south.
Another Asle, also a painter, lives in Bjørgvin, and he and the narrator are doppelgangers, in a way, or perhaps two versions of the same person, the same life. The one who married Ales also became religious, quit drinking, and became a successful painter; the other is on a harder path. It is a central event of Fosse’s fictional universe when they meet. The action of the novel takes place during Advent, shortly before Christmas, with the lives of the two Asles told both in flashback and in the present.
Septology is about the nature of art, and God; about alcoholism and the passage of time. Like so much of Fosse’s work, it address love, death, and the sea.
Foreign rights
Arabic: (Saudi-Arabia) Dar Athar
Brazilian-Portuguese: Editora Fósforo
Chinese (simplified): Yilin Press
Chinese (traditional): Ecus Publishing House
Croatian: Naklada Ljeva
Czech: Host
Danish: Batzer & Co
Dutch: Uitgeverij Oevers
English (UK): Fitzcarraldo Editions
English (US): Transit Books
English (ANZ): Giramondo
Estonian: Eesti Raamat
Faroese: Sprotin
Finnish: WSOY
French: Christian Bourgois
Georgian: Bakur Sulakauri Publishing
German: Rowohlt
Greek: Gutenberg
Hungarian: Kalligram
Italian: La Nave di Teseo
Lithuania: Aukso žuvy
Persian: Borj Books (A division of Houpaa Publication, Iran)
Polish: ArtRage
Portuguese: Cavalo de Ferro
Romanian: Pandora
Russian: Eksmo
Serbian: Treći Trg
Spanish: De Conatus
Swedish: Bonniers
Turkish: Monokl Yayinlari
Vietnamese: Thời Độ
Longlisted for the International Booker Prize 2020
Longlisted for the Dublin Literary Award 2020
Nominated for the Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature 2019
Nominated for the Brage Prize 2019
Nynorsk Literature Prize 2019