Vaim Hotel
Jon Fosse The Nobel Prize
Original title: Vaim Hotell
Publisher: Samlaget, 2026
Genre: Novel
Vaim Hotel is the second of three books about the fictional small town of Vaim, each with different characters.
It is a strange story about The Guest and a hotel owner named Brita. The Guest checks into the empty Vaim Hotel, where the commanding and powerful owner Brita holds sway in partnership with The Businessman. The Guest is tricked and lied to and goes from being a guest to working for Brita.
To be published in 2026.
Foreign rights
Catalan: Galaxia Guteberg
Danish: Batzer & Co
Dutch: Uitgeverij Oevers
English (UK): Fitzcarraldo
English (North America): Transit Books
German: Rowohlt
Hebrew: Hakibbutz Hameuchad
Italian: La Nave di Teseo
Polish: ArtRage
Portuguese: Cavalo de Ferro
Spanish: Penguin Random House
Swedish: Albert Bonniers