Vaim Weekly
Jon Fosse The Nobel Prize
Original title: Vaim vekeblad
Publisher: Samlaget, 2027
Genre: Novel
Vaim Weekly is a story about a newspaper office. Even though Vaim Weekly is published once a week, not much happens in Vaim, so the editor relies heavily on illustrated Obituaries. Working for the paper are a reporter named Sjursen, who doesn’t like talking to people; Guro, The Secretary, rumored to be having an affair with The Editor; and a reporter who takes his own life. When a new reporter is hired, The Editor himself is dead but still in the office, acting as if he were alive. From the editor’s chair, he sees himself walking on water, following other dead people out across the dark open sea.
To be published in September 2027.
Foreign rights
Catalan: Galaxia Gutenberg
Danish: Batzer & Co
Dutch: Uitgeverij Oevers
English (UK): Fitzcarraldo
English (North America): Transit Books
German: Rowohlt
Hebrew: Hakibbutz Hameuchad
Italian: La Nave di Teseo
Polish: ArtRage
Portuguese: Cavalo de Ferro
Spanish: Penguin Random House
Swedish: Albert Bonniers