Jon Fosse The Nobel Prize
Original title: Naustet
Publisher: Samlaget, 1989
Genre: Novel
Pages: 126 pages
One of Jon Fosse’s most acclaimed novels, Boathouse is told from the perspective of an unnamed narrator leading a largely hermit-like existence until he unexpectedly encounters a long-lost childhood friend and his wife. Told partially in a stream-of-consciousness style and with an atmosphere reminiscent of a gripping crime novel, Boathouse slowly unravels the story of a love triangle leading to jealousy, betrayal, and eventually death.
Foreign rights
Basque: Elkar Argitaletxeak
Brazilian Portuguese: Editora Fosforo
Danish: Batzer & Co
English: Dalkey Archive/Deep Vellum/Fitzcarraldo
Estonian: Eesti Raamat
French: Editions Circé
Icelandic: Dimma
Portuguese (PT): Cavalo de Ferro
South Korean: Saeum Publishing Company
Slovakian: Modrý Peter
Slovenian: Goga
Spanish: Random House
Swedish: Bonniers