Jon Fosse The Nobel Prize
Original title: Vaim
Publisher: Samlaget, 2025
Genre: Novel
Vaim is the first of three books about the fictional small town of Vaim: Vaim, Vaim Hotel, and The Vaim Weekly. Each book is about different characters.
As Vaim opens, Jatgeir has come from Vaim to the big city, Bjørgvin, on his boat, Eline. He wants to buy a needle and thread but is cheated, twice. Yet strangely he finds and comes home with Eline herself, the long-lost love of his teenage years, who has left her husband Frank. The story of this triangle is a book about little boats and big boats, love and death, passive men and an unusually determined woman. It’s no use trying to argue with Eline.
To be published in September 2025. English sample and summary and full Norwegian manuscript available.
Foreign rights
Catalan: Galaxia Gutenberg
Danish: Batzer & Co
Dutch: Uitgeverij Oevers
English (UK): Fitzcarraldo
English (North America): Transit Books
German: Rowohlt
Hebrew: Hakibbutz Hameuchad
Italian: La Nave di Teseo
Polish: ArtRage
Portuguese: Cavalo de Ferro
Spanish: Penguin Random House
Swedish: Albert Bonniers