A Shining
Jon Fosse The Nobel Prize
Original title: Kvitleik
Publisher: Samlaget , 2023
Genre: Novel
Pages: 70 pages
A man is driving without knowing where he’s going. He turns left and turns right, and finally enters a forest on road grooved with deep ruts. He doesn’t stop until the car gets stuck in the mud, unable to move forward or back. It starts snowing, gets dark and cold, but instead of going for help, the man walks down a path in the forest—even though it has already gotten so dark that he can hardly see a thing among the trees; even though he thinks this is a foolish thing to do.
“I’ve probably never done anything worse than this, get my car stuck and then go looking for help in the woods, how could I think I would find any help in the woods, deep in the dark woods, just because of an idea, no, it’s totally wrong to call it an idea, it was more like an impulse, something like that, something that just popped into my head. Foolishness, that’s what it was. Pure folly. Stupidity. Sheer stupidity.”
A Shining is a brilliant novel about the border between life and death.
Foreign rights
Brazilian-Portuguese: Editora Fósforo
Catalan: Galaxia Gutenberg
Chinese (traditional): Rye Field Publications
Chinese (simplified): Horizon Media
Croatian: Ljevak
Czech: Modrý Peter
Danish: Batzer & Co
Dutch: Uitgeverij Oevers
World English: Fitzcarraldo editions
English NA/Canada: Transit Books
Estonian: Eesti Raamat
Faroese: Sprotin
French: Christian Bourgois éditeur
German: Rowohlt Verlag
Hungarian: Kalligram
Korean: Munhakdongne
Lithuanian: Aukso žuvy
Polish: ArtRage
Portuguese: Cavalo de Ferro
Romanian: Pandora
Serbian: Treci Trg
Slovakia: Modrý Peter
Spanish: Random House
Swedish: Bonniers förlag
Telugu: Chaaya Publications
Turkish: Monokl
Vietnam: ThienTriThuc